When adults reflect on their schooling, it is not uncommon to hear someone say “I was never any good at math.” Frequently, a statement such as this goes unquestioned, as if to signify that an adult not knowing how to implement basic mathematical skills is a natural occurrence. The mathematics continuum designed by the Ontario Board of Education begins by teaching students mathematical facts and then building on them. If a student doesn’t properly comprehend a portion of these facts, the gap in their learning gets bigger every year. The truth is that students cannot afford to let any part of their mathematical learning go unchecked.
The IVY ED math programs are designed to focus on the major concepts and establish sound basic skills through active learning. The programs are based on the Ontario curriculum and focus on the following strands:
- Number Sense and Numeration
- Measurement
- Probability and Data Management
- Geometry and Spatial Sense
- Patterning and Algebra
IVY ED targets specific skill gaps within these strands. Our teachers are able to assist our students with the questions that they are directly facing each day because we work alongside them through each and every question. When a student hits a roadblock, our teachers are aptly prepared to deconstruct the problem in ways that will make sense as well as provide a few more similar problems to ensure understanding and, ultimately, future success.
Math Fundamentals (J.K. to Grade 8)
The best way to address the challenge of the Ontario math curriculum is to be proactive. IVY ED builds the fundamental numeracy skills by using the overall expectations in the Ontario math curriculum as the framework in establishing solid core knowledge of math facts in the Number Sense and Numeration, Geometry and Spatial Sense and Patterning and Algebra strands. The Math Fundamentals Program can be layered into any program being done at IVY ED, or it can be addressed as an individual program itself. Students will be expected to work on activities at home between their sessions to practice and reinforce the skills learned.
Math Master Program (Grade 3 to 7)
IVY ED’s Math Master Program is an enrichment math program that is customized to meet the math needs of your child. Your child is not limited to learning according to the pre-determined requirements of their grade, allowing them to learn above-grade math concepts whenever they are ready. Culminating math problems will target “outside the box” thinking, ensuring that the Math Masters enrichment program will keep your child motivated and academically stimulated inside and outside the classroom.
High School (Intermediate) Math Prep
Parents who have experienced a child going from elementary to secondary math programs will generally all agree that there is a significant gap in expectations of students going into secondary math courses. The objectives of the IVY ED High School Math Prep program are to:
- Make the transition between elementary math and high school math as smooth as possible by working on integers, fractions, percentages, and algebra as well as word problems incorporating these topics.
- Address the process of mathematics as much as the outcome. Students are trained to pay attention to the steps taken in problem solving and how to effectively communicate those steps.
Students who move efficiently through the program can actually begin to work on the Grade 9 math curriculum.